Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis Is A Self-Explanatory Strategy,

But You May Still Be Left With Questions.

For example, what exactly is it about your competitors that we analyze?  Well, specifically, we analyze their advertising, keyword usage, and backlinks that did and didn’t get clicks on their website.  Using these techniques to analyze multiple competitors’ strategies along with the strategies you’ve employed so far, we will create new marketing tools for you.  This includes copying what your competitors did right, avoiding what they did wrong, and combining strategies and finding missed opportunities to create something new for you to use.

Why Is Competitor Analysis So Important?

At Exclusive Web Marketing, we’ve seen companies fall by the wayside because they didn’t market their company correctly whereas their competitor did. Why is that other business successful? Is it their website, e-commerce, or social media? There are many factors to look at but without properly analyzing the competition, you’ll never know what you’re doing right or wrong. When you take into consideration what your competitors are doing, you can essentially figure out an appropriate marketing strategy for your business.

How Does Exclusive Web Marketing Offer Competitor Analysis?

Our company dives deep into your competitor’s websites and pours hours of research into what’s working for them and what isn’t. The Exclusive Web Marketing team analyzes your competitor’s keywords to see what they’re targeting and if it’s benefitting their website. We also look at their pay per click ads and advertising to understand how their ads are working and if the target audience is receptive to them. Furthermore, we analyze their marketing so we can develop a successful marketing strategy for your business. From backlinks to keyword research, Exclusive Web Marketing offers complete competitor analysis that will benefit your company!

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